Ashley vs Miranda
Ashley and Miranda go at it in this real fight wearing skirts, garter belts, stocking and sexy lingerie. They exchange head punches and pull hair as blonde Ashley takes brunette Miranda to the ground, traps her in a tight head scissor, then pounds her body with hard punches to the ribs. They get back on their feet trading face punches before Miranda is again taken down and punished with headlock, hair pulling and scissors then mounted with a schoolgirl pin until she submits after 5 minutes of fierce female fighting.
Peggy Sue vs Sherri
The second match is a catfight between Peggy Sue from Arkansas against Sherri from Connecticut. They remove their high heels and start brawling barefoot in long dresses with hair pulling and hard slaps. Peggy Sue is thrown down and attacked before she kicks Sherri off. They continue in garter, stocking, thongs and bras as Peggy Sue grabs her foe's hair and flings her to the mat. Sherri proves stronger, pinning her rival with a forearm to the throat, mounting her and attacking with hard face slaps. The intensity of the fight increases as this now becomes a nude hair pulling catfight with vicious throat grabbing, arm locks and straight arms to the chin. Neither female is willing to quit and they continue to fight even after it's over. In all two real battles and 16 minutes of female fighting action.
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